92CCiOtiS ffaltïj. 235 Fourthly, The Juffified man bath more of thefweetnefi of life , and its outward Comforts, than others. He bath more of the fweetnefs of life than others. The Jewifh Dolours treating about the eftimation of Perfons,men- tioned Levit.27.fay,That if a man be adjudged to death for his tranfgreílion , he is not to be valued , becaufe he is but a dead man , and there is no valuation of the dead. An un- pardoned man is dead while he liveth , and as our Saviour faith, condemned already, Joh. 3.18. His life , fave only as it is a fpace for repentance, and fo for pardon, mull be rated at little or nothing. Bajazet, the Great Em- perour , valued not his life at all , when he was carried up and down in an Iron -cage and what is a mans life , when he walks up and down in chains of fin and wrath ? but as loon as the pardon comes , he lives indeed. His life , as little a vapour as it is in it Pelf, glitters as a Jewel in the Sun, being irradiated with that precious favour of God , which is better than it felf : Moreover, he hath more of the fweetnefs of outward Comforts than others. The unpardoned man may have Corn, and Wine, and all other Blefiìngs flowing round about him ; but if his eyes be open, he can take no more pleafure in them than Damocles did at the Tyrants table, fpread with all Royal dainties , whileli the Sword with the point downward, hung over his head by an hair only : If he tails fweetnefs in them,