236 , ectOU1i ,aít. it is an aft of meer blindnefs and irrationality;- becaufe he feeth not the arrow of Gods wrath, which is upon the firing, and ready in a moment to (hoot him down to the lowed hell. Do but open his eyes upon the hand - writing of Guilt, which is on the wall of Con - fcience and all his crackling Joyes are in a moment turned into fits of trembling and a- ftonifhment ; but as loon as the Pardon comes every thing relifhes with him. Mofes , pro- nouncing a bleffing on 3ofeph thus , Ble.(fed of the Lord be his Land; for the precious things of heaven, for the dew , and for the deep that cometh beneath and for the precious fruits brought forth by the Sun , and for the precious things put forth by the Moon , and for the chief things of the ancient Mountains', and for the precious things of the Lifting Hills, andfor the precious things of the Earth , and the fulneß thereof, adds this as the crown of all, and for the good-will of him that dwelt in the BuJh, Deut. 33. 13, 14, 15, and 16 verfes. The favour of God pours a fweetnefs into all out - ward things : Then may he eat , and drink, and enjoy all his labours ; for the light of Gods Providence, and the light of his Coun- tenance are met in conjun6ion. Fifthly , l he Jufiified man hath left evil in Afflictions than others. The unjuflifed man carries a double load ; one of aflli6ion, and another of unpardoned guilt , which lies as a talent of lead on the Confcience, and makes the