plcciottfiS . f ttj. 237 the Crofs lie heavy as a burthen on a fore - back : But the Juilified man hath only the tin- gle Crofs, which the fpirit .of a man may bear. The Stoicks could fhoulder -up their reafon againft it ; Nor dicimus omnia ifla, qu,e gemitus Epif t3 mugitufque exprimunt, levia eJ'e : We fay , all thefe things, which extort cries and groans are but light, Paid Seneca. And what then may the Believer fay , who bath a ferene Confci- ence , made fo by the pure beams of Divine favour ? Feri, Domine feri clementer ; ego paratuc fum , quia à peccatis abf lotus : Strike, Lord, f lrike ; I am ready becauf e I am ab- folvedfrom my fins, faid Luther ; when he was in fear of an Apoplexy. The pardon of fin wonderfully alleviated the Crofs. Again, the unjuftified man is a poor helplefs Creature: Trouble comes, and there is no deliverer ; he falls alone, and there is not a reconciled God to help him up ; God walks contrary to him: or, as the original may be read , He walks at ali adventures with him , Levit.26.24. Perad- venture he will deliver him , peradventure not: But the Juthifìed man , being in Chrift the true Immanuel, is lure to have God with him ; God with him in the fire, and God with him in the water; whatever the Crofs be, the Almighty Father puts under the everlafl:ing arms; the Eternal Son walks with him in the midil of the Furnace; the Holy Spirit drops in heavenly cordials upon his heart ; as it was with Chrifi, when he hung upon the Crofs, and