2.3 8 necíouo /MM. and drunk up the bittereft cup of wrath. The Divinity never left the Humanity, no not when he cried out of forfaking : So is it with the Believer, the man in Chrift ; when Troubles come like lobs Meffengers, one upon the neck of another, God never leaves nor forfakes him, which is a cordial high enough to make any adverfity more eligible than all profperity. Hence force good men have been loath to leave their Prifons , for fear of parting with thofe. inward joyes , which had turned them into a paradice. Sixthly, The Jufi ifCed man knows how to tile, and go to judgment. He knows how to die, which is a lefl'on too hard for any other but fuch as himfelf. The Stoick may feem to vapour over death, as a thing of nothing ; but whileft he doth fo , it is but a piece of blind rafhnefs, never confidering the vat gulph of Eternity which is then to be fhot, in the Chri- ftian World , where that Gulph is better known. Many great Rabbi es and Sophies are nonpluft at the approach of death. The great Cardinal Richelieu , a little before his end would have a play, called Europe triumphante to be ailed , though he was not able to be a fpeótator ; it kerns his Soul , hanging about the mud walls , as loth to go off that Rage where he had acted fo many wife parts, knew not how to apply it fell to that grand affair of death approaching. Only the jultified man knows how to relïgn, and befpeak his parting Soul