i3 eciotì 5aíttj. soul as Monica did , Volemus in adult : Let us flit, to heaven ; or with .Hilarion, Egredere ani- ma mea, egredere quid times ? quid dubitas ? Go out my Soul, go out ; what doeji thou fear or doubt ? And all this upon fure grounds. His fin is pardoned; his death unftung; heaven - gates Rand open for him ; a convoy of Angels are ready to conduer his Soul into Abrahams. bofom. So little tremendous is death to fuch an one , that Zuinglius being mortally woun- ded cried out, Ec quid hoc infortunii ? Lr this any misfortune ? the Body only was {lain the Soul was untouched, and but a little the fooner let out into glory. Again, The ¡deified man knows how to go to Judgment. When the Earl Montgomery was brought before the great Court atParis,he ingenioufly confef ed,That,as many great Armies as he had Peen without fear, yet he could not but tremble at the prefence of thole grave Judges. At the Great day,.when the laft Trump fnall found, and the dead rife out of the dugt , and Jefus Chrift {hail come with all his glorious Angels to judge the E World , there will he generally nothing but pale faces, and trembling hearts, and lamenta- ble out -cries to the Rocks and Mountains, to fall upon them, and cover them from the pre - fence of the Judge : Only the Jul'tilied man may lift up his head with jòy becaufe his re- demption draws nigh. Jefus Chrift the Judge is his Head and Advocate,and will not,cannot condemn the Believer , being a piece of him- fl 239