jpecítitto fa fit. 24t CHAP. V` I I I. of Adoption the third fruit of Faith the peculiar Priviledg of found Belie- vers. The Excellency thereof demon firated under feveral Coniderations. THus far of the fecond fruit of Faith be- ing 7ultifioation. The next fruit thereof is Adoption: Jufifi- cation and Adoption are twin- Graces, brought forth by Faith at once;only in `order of nature, Juflifìcation goes firft, and then follows Adoption, as prefuppofing the other; hence the new name is faid to be written in the white (tone, Rev. 2. 17. Alexander the Great Con- queror of the World, was by the flattering Oracle fainted as a Son of 7upiter; but the Be- liever, who overcomes the World in a more noble Spiritual way, is by the true Oracle fii- led a, Son of God ; As many as received him, to them he gave_ power to become the Sons of God, yob. 1. 12. The Believer in the inftant of be- lieving is no longer a meer Son of Adam, but. a Son of God; he is in unity with the natural Son of God, and fo becomes an Adopted one. TheHuman nature is in the natural Son byHy- poftatical union,and fo is taken into the natural Sonthip; and the Believer is in him by a Myfli- cal union, and fo becomes a Son by Adoption: Neither is this a meer empty title,He is born not R. of ,.