Z42 P¢tíouo gaít 7. of blood, in a way of carnal Generation, not of the will of the f eJb, in a way of Concupifcence ; not of the will of man, in the way of Moral Virtues and Excellencies; but he is born of God, he' is one of the feed -Royal of Heaven, the blood of God runs in his Confcience,a Divine Spirit breaths in him; Chriff is formed in his heart, and that in the-very fame manner as he was in the Womb ; that is, by the overfhadow- iang power of the Holy Ghoft. Nay further, as Tertia Aquinas obferves, Filiatio Adoptiva eft qmedam p uefi. l militudo fiiationis eternx ; Adoptive Sonfhip Art z. 3' is a fbadow of the eternal one. The natural Son is the doravyacua, or brigbtnefs of his Father, and in the Adopted there is a fplendor of Grace refembling God in a meafure:The natu- ral Son was begotten from Eternity,and is ffill a begetting; and in the Adopted the holy thing is begotten: And. yet in refpea of the fucceliìve fupplies of Grace afforded for its prefervation, it is as it were Eiji! a begetting; hence the A- dopted Son, as well as the Natural, abides for ever , Joh. 8. 3 5. The Natural Son is the image of Gods Nature, and the Adopted the image of his Will ; Of his own will begat be us with the word of truth, Jam.i.i8. The Excellencies of this Friviledg are unut- terable : f (hall exprefs them only in fome Con(ìderations. Firfi, Adoption is a very glorious thing; it re- dounds to the glory of Free - grace, and puts a luftre upon the Believer; it re- dounds to the glory of Free -grace : Behold, what manner of love the Father bath bellowed upon