Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

24, PcCÍf)UO felh and blood; but Adoption is radius Cali, a ray of Heavenly Glory, and makes the Be- liever thine to the eyes of Angels; who,as they rejoice over a repenting Sinner, cannot but wonder to fee loch an one transfigured into a Son of God : Nay, Adoption puts fuch a glory upon the Believer as was not upon Adam in Paradife. Adam was a Son of God only by Creation, but the Believer is one by Myftical Union and Communion with Chrift the Natu- ral Son; hence Chrift calls him Brother, Heb. 2. r I. a Compellation not ofed to Angels ; and he is one of the firff -born, Heb. 12. 23. a title in an eminent way given to Chrift. Secondly,Adoption carries with it an excellent fpírit of Prayer ; Becauf ye are Sons, God bath Tent forth the Spirit of Ns Son into your hearts, crying, Abba father, Gal. q.. 6. This praying Spirit is the breath of the New-creature, and as much excels all meer modes and gifts of Prayer, as a pair of natural Lungs doth artifi- cial ones ; others may pray artificially, and as it were mechanically, but the Adopted man prays naturally; without, this Spirit all words and expretlions in Prayer are but poor low things ; like the Vrim and Thummim made un- der the fecond Temple, by which the 7ews could not tell how to ask counfel of God, be- caufe the holy Spirit was not prefent with it : In the Adopted that Spirit makes the Prayer ifrue forth with life and power;when the Blood and Merits cf Chrift plead above,and the holy Spirit makes intercefhion in the heart for the fame