pletiotio JTattjJ> 245 fame bleiiings, there is fuch a Harmony, that the Almighty floops and bows down his ear to it. Thus the fweet Singer, In waiting I waited for the Lord, and he enclined unto me, and beard my cry, Pfal.4o.i. God himfelf enclines. and floops down at the Prayer of Faith. tro. cula Pater, that little word, Father, fpoken in the heart is more than all the Eloquence of Ci- ce3v and .Demo(fhenes, faith Luther : No foo- Corn. in ner Both the Child of Grace cry,but God lays, Gal, ca Here am I, Ifa. 58..9. as if he were always at 4, -f(.0 hand to anfwer the requefl. Thirdly,Adoption u(hers in an ,Heavenly free../ dom;whileft the Law is only without in the let - ter,and the terrors of. Sinai lath in the Conici- once, the man with his old heart cf enmity, drudges in the ways of God, and brings forth all his Duties a s the Bondwoman did h'er Son, in the power of nature, in a dead, carnal, fer vile manner : Mrf r with the cords of Hell and Death drags the outward man to this and that Duty ; but old Adam with his lulls, reig- ning within, holds back the love and the joy, and the delight from the work : all genders to bondage, till Adoption come; and 1pirit him for holy things: Becaufc ye are Son:, God hash fen: f rth the fpirit of hit Son into your heart,, Gal. 4. 6. The fame Spirit which led the Hu- mane Nature of Chrifi into all Sinlcfs Obedi- ence, leads the Adopted into a true willin nee!<s':: to all the Ways of God ; that Spirit engra a Law within anfwering the outward one, an infpires fuch a Divine Love, as cafis out the R 3 Bond-