Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

246 t::;:. Pleci®uo Fa><* Bond -woman and her Son, I mean the fervile fears, and fervices; the Will is fet upon the wheels of Faith and Love, and the Duties afire brought forth in the power of Grace, and of the Promife ; that Promife, I will put my Spi- rit within you, and caufe you to walk in my (fa- tutes, Eaek.36.27. is fweetly experimented in every ad of Obedience; this glorious and almoft Angelical freedom grows upon Adop- tion, and no where elfe ; no will of man ever teemed out fuch a thing; fhould any man go about to firike it out of his own power, it would fare with him as it did with the perfora reported of by one of the Jewifh Rabbies,whó in the night lighted his Candle, and it went out,lighted it again and again, and fill it went out ; at Taft weary of fu ch vain labours, he re- folved with himfelf to wait for the Sun. Such an one may firike and firike again to fetch filch liberty out of his own will ; but at lait the Conclufion mull be, If the Son make us free, we fhall be free indeed, 1°11.'8 .36. and, Where the Spirit of the Lord ìs, there is liberty, 2 Cor. 3. Fourthly, Adoption brings us into Tweet Com- munion with God,thus the Apoftle,I will dwell in them, and walk in them and I will be their God, and they 'hall be my people, 2 Cor. 6. i 6. I will dwell in the and walk in them, who Can exprefs it ? In the Sons of God there is an Ark with the Tables of the Law in it, and a Say duary with the Shechinah,orDivine Majefly in it: Gcds gracious prefence is Spiritual fhew.. bread,