nettouo fait!). 247 bread, and his Love burns upon the heart, as the fire that carne down from Heaven upon the Altar ; when they are facrificing in holy Duties, God doth wonderfully by his quickening, and elevating influences ; and when they are fuffering in the briers and flames of affliction, God it in the Bulb fupporting and preferving them ; if Confcience breaths fweetnefs and peace, God is in the (fill voice; if their Graces be let forth, God is a (upping with them; nay, if there be but a poor fpirit and weak defireF, God will fup with thefe; the holy light and in- tegrity in their heart is a kind of ?trim and 7bummim to dire t them, and the Heavenly motions and infpirations are as it were a Bath Kol,a voice from Heaven for their infiruEtion; in a word, all the appearances of God in the worldly Sanctuary, and outward Symbols of Glory under the Old Teffament, are fpiritu- ally accomplifhed under the New in the A- dopted, who are an habitation of God through she Spirit. Fifthly,Adoption oflures proteelion and provifs- on ; Ifrael, Gods own People, had a Pillar of Cloud, and a Pillar of Fire to defend them, and thefe Pillars are í}i11 in the Church,though not always vifble : God hath laid it, That be will create upon her a cloud and fmoke by day,and the fhining of a flaming fire by night, upon all the glory fhall be a defence, Ifa. q.. 5. Rather than his Adopted ones, who carry his Glory about them, thall want a defence, he will put forth an ad of Creation : Ifrael when in the R 4 der-