Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

248 1 etíot4 /aid). dernefs, had Bread from Heaven, and Water out of the Rock ; and to the upright, God faith, Their Bread ¡ball be given them, and their Waters ¡hall be five, Ifa. 33, t6. Rather than fail, He will male rivers in the deft; rt, to give drink to hic People, Ifa. 43.20. When there's a pinch in the Kingdom of Nature, his own Family and Houfhold (hall be provided for;The young Lions may lacy, and fuffer hunger but they that feekthe Lord (hall not want any good third, Pfal. 34. 10. That Di [lich, Eß DeuK in ccelo, qui providus omnia curat, Credentes nt fquam deJeruifp pote1l; Was a Cordial to Mufeiilus in his flreights. Faith fears no Famine, neither (hall the A- dopted feel any. Sixthly,Adoption carries with it Perf verance; Once a Son of God by Adoption and ever fo. One of the Jevvifh Do6tors Commenting on that excellent paffage, With thee is the fountain of life, in thy light (hall we fee light, Pfal. 3 6. faith, That the Ifraelites were made free by Mo- fes, and then brought into bondage again, and made free by Barak and divers others, andyet brought into bondage again ; at laß they"hall be fared by the Lord their God with an eternal Sal- vation; that it, by the Mef ah. If nicer noti- ons make us free,we fhall be in bondage again; if Church- priviledges make us free,we (hall be in bondage again ; but if Adopting Grace make us free, we (hall ever be fo : God hath faid, nay, (worn to -rrefits Chrift, Ilir f ed (and fuch are all the Adopted) (halt endure for ever, and