Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

ecéouo Recta). 249 and hit throne (part whereof is in their hearts) as the Sun before me, Pfal. 89.3 6. and to make them endure,the holy Spirit is in them a well of water »ringing up to everlafting life, Job. 4.14. and to fecure the abode of the Spirit with them, Chrift it a Prieft after the power of an end- lef life, Heb. 7. 16. Nay, though they break his ftatutes, and thereby bring the rod upon their hacks, yet God bath promifed,Not to take away his loving kindnef nor finer his faithful nef to fail, Pfal. 89.33. Upon fuch unfhaken foundations dg the. Sons of God fland. Seventhly,Adoption makesthem heirs of Heaven; Though they may lye among the pots, and in the eyes of the World` be the refute and off fcouring of all things, yet are they heirs of Glory ; thus the Apofile,If children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint -heirs with Chrifl, Rom. 8.17. That Glory which Chrift hath purcha- fed, (hall they be brought into; that Heavenly Inheritance, which is fealed without in the Promife, is inwardly a(fured to them by the Seal of the Spirit; which by holy impreffes marks them out for Heaven, and is a fore Bar- nett in their hearts, that the whole fum of glory -than be paid to them above: each of them may fay as Q irinuu Reuterus did on his _ Death-bed, Ego Jain vice filius, I am a child of life, Thus much for the third fruit of Faith be- ing Adoption. CHAP.