Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

250 p¢ttouo faítq: CHAP. IX. Of SanCtification here oheM or iftcaontth Faith, and f friji part thereof; the influence of Pre- cious Faith therein. THe next fruit of Faith is SanEifcation, which makes the Soul meet for Heaven JJuftification and Adoption give.a title to that blefl'ed Inheritance, but San¿fification makes ready for it. No fooner doth a man believe, but the rivers of living water, the fanecifying Spirit with its Graces flow in the heart;and'the reafon is evident,Faith is the Souls Union with Chrift, who hath the Spirit above meafure in truft, to pour it out upon every part of his Myftical Body ; in this day of Efpoufals the water is turned into wine, Nature elevated into Grace. There are, as I have before no- ted, two parts of {hll f eaktto both as fruits and Vivification. I a p of Faith. Firft, Mortification is a fruit of Faith,indeed none but a Believer is in a pofture to reach it. Could a man which yet never falls out, im- prove his Reafon and Will to the utmoft, he could not truly mortitïe Sin : Reafon and Will improved might in fome meafure triumph over the grofs inordinations in the lower fa- culties, but they would ever (pare the corrup- tions