Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

p¢ciouo faYd). 251 tions in themfelves as their own flefh ; like politick Princes, who keep down mutinies a- mong the common People, but lay the reins down to their own perfonal vices: It would fare with fuch an one, as it doth with frozen waters, which though broken in one place, will freez in another ; fhould he break and diffolve his fenfual Sins, he would freez in fpi- tiitual ; and if his eyes were open, he would fee that it is defperate pride and prefumption to attempt Mortification in any other way than that of Faith, which brings a general thaw upon the heart, melting it into a compli- ance with the Divine Pleafure, and tracing the method of the Gofpel, derives a power and fpirit from Chrift for the work. Mortifi- cation mufl-be done through the Spirit, Rom. 8.13. and none bath that but the Believer ; it flows from an implantation into the death of Chrift, and none is fo but he ; Faith purifies the heart, and without it there can be no fuch thing as Mortification. God doth not com- mand Mortification immediately, but in its own place, firft Faith, and then Mortification ; Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth, faith the Apoftle, Col. 3. 5. There- fore, wherefore ? Becaufe you are rife?: with Chrif ; becaufe your life is hid with CbriJt therefore mortifie ; None but Believers, who are in Union with Chrift, are capable to do it. When in Popery all forts are driven to this work,as the poor Indians are to Baptifm ; they do but fèt up a Faithlefsy Chri &lets Image of Morti-