252 91r ¢GWU 1UJ Mortification in Penances and Satisfaetions, void of the true fpirit and principle requifite thereunto. In the purfuit of this Point I thall firft fpeak to the Mortification of Original Sin; this is to lay the axe to the root, and call fait into the fountain ; without which to go about to mor- tifie this or that particular luft, is as great a vanity, as for a man by outward applications to heal up a fore or ulcer in the body, without correeting the inward fumes of peccant and corrupt humours , which bore thofe holes in the fleth and fill them with putrefa6tion. This is one choice work of Faith. Others may fpend all upon Phyficians and Humane reme- dies ; but the Believer gives Inch a touch up- on a Crucified Chrift, as in a good meafure to fianch the bloody iffue running down his nature. In this excellent work Faith proceeds on this wife; Fir{{, Faith fives a man a full fenfe of Origi- nal Sin; Which, if the world be fearched with Candles, can be found nn -where but a- mong the Believers : To fearch for it in the Pagan World, is to no purpofe ; indeed Plato faith, That the Soul bath broken her ,wings, and creeps bafely upon thofe lower things. The Py- thagoreans taught, That Souls having offended God, were turned into Bodies as into fo many Prif ns, there to look out of the grates of Senfe. Trifinegiftus afferts, That man fell from Hea- venly Contemplations into the fphear of Elements, andfo became a bondflave to NI Body. Hierocles con-