254 jpetcfou: artDb the Soul, Rtafon and Will being free and pure; hence they generally cry out againft the Body as a Prifon, and the Senfes as fetters and manacles to the Immortal Spirit. Theophraf# was wont to fay, That the Soul paid a dear rent for ber dwelling in the Body, confidering how much it fifered at the Bodies band. The Stoicl?s declaim againft the Pafiions, as the fickne(s and languorc of the Soul ; all the load is laid upon Tar Atop, the common people of the Soul, (as force call the Pad-ions) , as if the Princes, Reafon and Will, were free, never confider- ing the Spiritual wickedneffes which are a- mong them. Neither could it be expeded, that they fhould know the latitude of Sin, Pee- ing they had not the pure Law, but only force fragments of it in their hearts, by which they could no more difcern the proportions of Sin, than -a man can underhand features by the broken pieces of a Picture. Leaving the Pagans, let us fearch among the Jews, a People to whom the Divine Ora- cles were committed, there the Believers had a true fenfe of Original Sin ; David fenfes it, in primo ardore, in the firft warmth of Natural Conception, Pfal. 51. 5. But fuch among them as wanted Faith, wanted a fenfe thereof. Indeed they hàd the Law, but the veil being on their hearts, they underflood it only as prohibiting manum, non animum, the outward aR, not the Will ; and, Non concupifces, Thou fhalt not covet ; was rather taken for a Moral fen tence, than a Divine precept among them. This