Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

56 Itinciotio a> . that is, his own reafon, fhall be delivered from the evil one. They cried up Reafon and Will, and underflood little of Original Sin ; Hence Re- generation, the neceffiity whereof may be na- turally deduced from a right knowledg of that Sin,was fo unintelligible to them. Nicodemus, a Mafler.in Ifrael, and one of the Judges in the great Sanhedrin, was flartled at our Saviours Dottrine, Except a man be born of miter and of the fpirit, be cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Joh. 3. 5. That of being born of water, poffibly he might underfand , becaufe the yews did imitate their Profelytes, by waíhing or Baptifrn, and then counted them as new.. born and regenerate, as Learned men have ob- ferved. But that of being born of the Spirit, he was totally ignorant of which he could not have been had he had a true fenfe of Ori- ginal Sin; which, where it is, makes the Do- ¿trine of Regeneration obvious, but looking on that Sin as no great matter, and corrigible by mans own Reafon and Will, he flood as it were at a maze at our Saviours words, as if there had been no promife at all of a new heart, and a new fpirit made in the Old Tefla- ment. Leaving the 7ews, let us enquire among Chriflians for a true fenfe of Original Sin;here we muff not expe°c it among Pelagians or Sow cinians, who deny the thing, as if the figment of the heart were but the figment of the brain: peccätum originís nullum prorfus eff faith the rtacovian Catechifin : Sine vitio naf imur, faith Pele-