Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Peciouo .aít%. tion ; yet neverthelefs this holy fpark fhewed it felf in fome, as in Epiphanies his cutting the vail, and Serenus his breaking the Images, and divers others abhorrency of Idolatry ; and what this fupernatural light doth in Churches against outward Idols, that it doth in hearts a- gainft inward : it will allow no Idol to hand in the fecret place, not an Afhteroth of riches, not a Venus of pleafure, not a Baal, a ruling lord- ing lull in the heart, every indulged luft (lands upon the unilluminated and unrefigned will ; and, after Faith bath purified the heart, it muff give way for God to fet up his Throne there : that pure heart which the Philofophers talk of at random, as a Geographer of a terra incogni- ta, faith plainly difcovers, and praSically ope- rates. Thofe dithonefties and inhumanities which reafon could not keep out of Laws, faith calls away from private Chriftians, as the com- mon mire and dirt of a wicked world : thofe moral virtues which reafon could not elevate to the Creators glory, faith fpiritualizes by a pure intention towards it. Thirdly, The light of reafon is at a greater diftance from God then that of Faith, and fo doth not fee him fo clearly in the works of cre- ation and providence as that doth. And firfi for creation, though it be a clear glafs of the eternal power and Godhead, yet the Philofo- phers, as fo many Babel- builders, are miferably confounded in their language about it. Males fetches all things out of water, as if that were the univerfal fountain. 4naximener out of air, C as