3 3 nCCtOU# iTaitb. true, yet unlefs he know that God hath fpoken in the word,that there is his very teftimony,he cannot believe.Should we ask a man,why do you believe that jefhs Chrifl is the Redeemer of the world ? it would be no rational anfwer for him to fay,I believe it,becaufeGod is true: No,though God be the hill infinite truth,yetunlefs he fpeak and tefiifìe fo much, it cannot be believed upon his teflimony or authority , the only fatisfa6o- ry anfwer is this ,I believe it,becaufe God, who is true,hath fpoken and revealed it.It is necefl'ary to faith,to know the holyScriptures to be the word and teflimony of God ; that God fpeaks and reveals himfelf in them, and this cannot be known without fupernatural light. To explain which,I (hall lay down two things. Firft, There are in the holy Scriptures cer- tain xerníeia or internal marks, whereby it may be known,that the Scriptures are the word and teflimony of God. Secondly, Thefe xelpferx or internal marks cannot be known without fupernatural light. Firff,There are in the holy Scriptures certain marks or chara&ers whereby they reveal them- felves to be the very word of God, even as the Sun manifefls it felf by its own light. There is a Maje/ty in the fide ; what book or writing ever run in fuch a !train, as thus faith theLord ?where before it was there ever any univerfal Law made unto all mankind , Kings and beggars without diftinecion ? who ever before comman- ded obedience upon pain of eternal torments in another world, or allured obedience with pro- miles