Pletion SaftD. rnaifi have a pregnant proof in thy Pelf, that thou art born from thence, and a -going thi- ther. Follow thole attraC`tions, which Heaven the great Center of Grace and Holinefs put upon thy Faith and Love to draw thee up to it felt. Long to be up in that pure region of Blifs where God is Al in AU :There are finlefs Perfections, and tearlefs Comforts, rivers of Pleafures,and plenitudes of Joy for ever.Thott maift there read all Truths in the Original,and fatiate thy felf at the fountain of Goodnefs: Have thy Converfation above,drive on a con - ftant trade there by Prayers and good Works, that thou mailt have rich returns of Grace and Love from thence. This is the true way to Ar- furance. A notable infiance we have in the Pfalmift, 0 God, thou art my God, early will I feekthee ; my foul thirfteth for thee,my flefh long - eth for thee,in a dry and thirf ly land where no wa- ter is, Pfal. 63. i. and what is the iffue of it his Soul which had fo emptied out it fell- holy Pantings and Anhelations after God,was foon fatisfted with the marrow andfatnefs of his love, ver. 5. No fooner was the Spoufe fick of love to Chrift, Cant.2.5. but his. left hand i under her head in Supports, and his right hand embraces her, in the fweet manifeflations of his Love to her, ver. 6. The more Heavenly the Believer is, the, titter he is for Afíurance; which ferves as a leffer Heaven for him till he come to the great one which is above. Thus 459