Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

460 1etetiouo fatty Thus much touching the fecond thing, the ways in which Affurance is attained. To conclude all,the Believer having arrived at Afl^urance, which is the higheft fiep on this fide Heaven, may fit down with joy upon his head, and begin that Song of Free -grace and . the'Lamb ; which is fung,above, though in an higher tune, in the Heavenly quire of Angels and glorified Saints for ever and ever. Well may he. fay, Oh ! what bath God wrought.? what was he, a lump of duff and fin, to be brought hither ? How did he lie in blood and death, till Grace came by and put in the breath of Spiritual life into him ? Was not his Reafon the lighteft part in him, veiled and covered over with grofs darknefs, when the rofie morn and day- fpring of Grace firft broke out upon him in Spiritual illuminations ? Was not his Will, though a free Principle, fall fhut up in Hardnefs and Unbelief, when Grace o- pened the Iron -gate, and made him free to his own Happinefs ? What a poor broken Man, and under what innumerable debts was he, when. Grace came and paid off all by the Blood of the Covenant ? How much of Earth and Hell was upon him before Grace made him a Son, and limmed out the Divine Image upon his Heart ? What fwarms and legions orLufts kept poffeflìon in his Heart, when Grace fet up its flandard and drove them out to make room for the holy feed there ? And after he became a Saint, what an hand had'Grace with him