netíouo laid); him to cure his many weakneffes, and nurfe up his infant-Graces ? What a vaft charge was it at in fre(h anointings and fupplies of the Spirit,to keep the holy lamp and fire from go- ing out ? And at laff, how rich and glorious is Grace towards him, when it carries him up into the mount of Alfuranee, and there (hews him the great things which it bath done, and will do for him the true Graces and bloffoms of Glory in his Heart, and a fair Heaven that lies beyond them, where Crowns and Robes of Happinefs wait for his coming ? " Oh ! " Grace ! infinite Grace ! thou art the Origine "of all Graces,and Center of all Praifes. All " the Saints owe their birth and fafe conduit " to Heaven to thee;and to every Rep of thine, " from the firfi beams and drops of Mercy to "the Blifs- making Vifion and rivers 'of Plea- " fures above, Hofrannahs and Hallelujahs muff be fung for ever and ever. 461