Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

The TABLE. Strugling againft Sin in his own Jfrength, he heard a voice, 279. His Spiritual application of Chrifts railing up three from the' dead. 385, ß 386. Baptifm, feveral Names given it by the Anci- ents, 371. How a Jewi(h Cuftom then a Di- vine Ordinance, 372, Though received in In- fancy, yet bath a bond on Confcience,ibid.& 373. One confirmed in Martyrdom by it by his -Mother, ibid. Burgundians Baptifm, 374 Bellarmine died in doubt. 426, 427 Belief of the Divine Authority of the Scriptures, of what Hind, 37 to 41. What the coif quences of it in order to Refignation, 69, to 75. A Be- liever keeps to the Written Word in all things, 122, t0 126. The only wife man, 170. His knowledg of the Invifible God, 17 i, 172. The Prefentiality of Things future, 186. Under- ftands_eeming Contradictions, i 87.Its ffriritual extraelion the belt Chymift, 192, to 2oi.What he deftres to know of himfelf. 3 81 Belial a fon of Belial, what it imports. 16o Bernards refleion on himfelf when he faw an- other Sin. 3 i 3 Biflaop,no non- preaching Bilhops of old. 3 77, 3 78 Bleffing of Jacob and Efau differ, 3 44. Promif of Temporal Bleffings not abfolnte. 3 45 Blood, a little drop given out to be the Blood of Jefus Chrif t. 3 64, 3 6 5 C Cardinal Cajetan's Commentaries on the Mafter of the Sentences extold by Papists above Lu- ther, yet 200 Errors in it. 156 CbriJt & earthly things often in competition. 159 His