The 7` À B L C. F3r Conception in the Womb and the Hart, compared, 288, 36 r, 362. He is the Samplar of our Graces, 291. How he died in his per - fon. and in the Believer. 373 Conditions of the. Promifis realy in Believers.391 Confliel,the Natural c Spiritual differenced.2 6 r, 262, 263. `Conrience,its tef imony of great repute among Pa- gans, 405. Witnffeth integrity, 406. Belie- vers convert with Scripture & Conf ience.4o7 Conviction of Sin manifold, 70,7 r, 72. Several things enfue thereupon, to 75 Creation, the Philofophers mif uefs about it, i 7, 1S. New Creation in the Heart. 383_, 384. Credere Deo, & in Deum. 131,132 Cruciger,his Death-bed Prayer,and Faith. 138 Covenant of Grace and Works,difference of Men under them. 278 D Pr. Dees impof tires by Spirits. 326 Delilah, the import of the word in Hebr. 15o Dragon poyfonous fhut up by Sylvetler the Bi -' (hops Prayers. 266 E EleEion though from eternity.yet buds in time.413 Evagrius hit lift to the poor to be paid in ano- Cher world. 113 Evidences confirm Affìtrance. 394 Experiments all learned men are for them. 326, Experiments of Faith,of Scripture- truth,3 2 5, to 370. Where of Scripture Ordinances and great Works, to 386 Examination of our (elves efpied by the Philof - phers. 433, 434: Faith,