Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

The TABLE. Remit, whether God may remit Sin without a Satisfal ion? the .uefiion may be rpared, 116. It is granted before afurance of it is manife(fed. 139 Revelation to Apoffles and Prophets, and to ordinary Belie- vers horn differ. 58 Refignation to Jefus Chriff the third thing in Faith, and what it is, 79. Three things opened about it, Sr. Made to Chri(f as Mediator, 82, 83. To the whole Trinity, 84. To the Word, 85. What the purpofes of it,to 115. Ad- junEts and properties of it to 131. In it is the Efrntial nature of Faith, to 16. It is a middle thing between Faith and A(furance, 149, to 155. How call'd in Old and New Teffament, 154. Alts of Refignation made by Faith. 161,162 Righteoufnef imputative juftified and vindicated. 99,too Dr. Rivets Death -bed Experiences. 327 S Sacrament of the Supper fet out livelily. 375, 376 Sacrifices by Gods appointment ever fince the Fall, 42. And fore!hewed the Mef ah. 43 Samuel asked of and lent to God. 373 School - Divinity cenfured, 29. Schoolmens flying about Worfhip. 124 Scripture, inward marks whereby known to be the Word of God, 3 2, to 36. Several Salaries that rejeCi it menti- oned, 55: Argued with, to 64. Their Allegations refu- ted, to 69. That it is a dead letter refuted, 65. Dif- cern'd by Faith without the Church, 328, 3 2 9. It is Frincipium fcientit;cum. 33o -"-Secululn fpiritus fanai, refuted. 66 . Self denial as it precedes a Believers Re(ignation confi(Is in divers things, 75, to 79. The Moralijls and the Belie- vers differ. 16r,162. S.ickgodly Doman would have God chuf health or fick1tefs fq