r The TABLE. for her, 1483. Story of a fick -7nan to whom Satan apfied red. 432 Sin, diffinúions about it, 154. Divers. fenfes of Original Sin with the true, 25/ , to 256. It hinders Faztb,157.. How far they do not hinder Refignatión; ,155, Ito 161. Not 7uffiftcation. 221 Socinus and Servetus their blafphemy about the Trinity, 357. Socinians make about Original Sin, 6. Their- , rationality of their Faith; 47. And nullity, 53. Grace they (peak of is a f cy.. . 117 Sokneus his dying faying. 114 Son Natural and Adapted, their ref m lance. 24 r, 2 42 ,,Spirit & Word go together,5 2. To fay the SpirítsTeftimony is dubious is blarphemy,4o8.It applys Promife s,4o9.Abides for ever with a Believer,two grounds of it. 414 Sulpitius Severus his Loquacity. 278 Sultan Achmet his proud arrogance. 243 Synagogue their ftrff ufe. 376 Talmud of the Jews magnified by them. 93 Taught of God, all ambitious off great a privilege. 91, 93 Trinity of pert ns and unity of efrnee, the my(lery of it not known by Human Keaf n, 352, 3 53 . Acknowledged by le with' Rabbins and Cabbaliffs with the Primitive Chris ftians f tying to them that doubt of it, 354. Enemies of it, 3 55. Wor/hipt by the Church in all Ages. 356 Fruebern's Death -bed raying. 12 6 Vsnity how defcribed. V 183 3 Virgins a Play ailed about the live wife & five foolifh. 37 r Vivifcation,Faithyields up, the Soul to Chrift for it, and."' how. I05, I06, i o7' V /aeon Feftival. 378 ;. Union Hypoftatical and Myffical. 241 . V,aiverfal Promifes and Threats include Particulars, 394, Vp- A