The TABLE. ?Uprightnefs yis 4Gof pel perfçition, 448. 'Upright perfins mentionéjd alt»ays with Tome mark, of honour, 419. Hors God is upright wit lo" upright. 453 Walk,jng in all = 'laces as in Gods Prefenre. 449,450 Will, Chrif as God and Man bath two WAGS. 392 Wi fdom, why Chrift call'd the Wifdom.of God, 89. 4 great (lir in the World about Wifdom. 179 World, Epicureans fancy of the marking of it, 383. The Believer understands better, ibid. z Zeal what, 307. Examples of it for the truth. 308,309 Zeno's Wifè Ariadne would not fuffer him to be taken up when buried in a fit of the Falling- ftcknef . 167 Zuinglius his anfwer fugge(ted in a Dream. 94. 4 Scriptures explained in this Treatife. 1Sam. 15.25. 2 King. 17. 33 job 19. 25,26. Pfal. 11. 7. 34. , 5. 39. 5. 55.22. 62. 1. 63.1,5. 119, 160. Prov. 3. 2I. 6.9.1,2,3. Cant. 4. 9. Ifa, 57. 17, IS. EzeIZ 43.2. Dan. 4. 27. 1 1 2 . I 3 14. Mat. 15. 26, 27. 16o 1llark r 4. 7 2. 357 Luk:9.55 402 job. 3. 12. 421 6- 14. 23. 369 6..16. 14. 320 44675 5. 41. 107, io8 & 26. 7. 152 I Cor. 2. 14. 459, 2 Cor. 9. 6. i I2i Gal, 6. I. 24,25, Ephef: 1. 1,3. 1971 10. 453I, Col. 2. 5. 1951, I Thef' 1. 5. 116 Heb. 12. I. 277 1 fob.2.4. 195 I Job. 3. 6. 196 i job. 5. 5: 7, S. 223 61 22, 23. 359 120 '273 350 20, 2 I 454- 313 144 107 28.324. 44-5 270 25 16cß 363 Eooì;