Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

The TABLE. ?Uprightnefs yis 4Gof pel perfçition, 448. 'Upright perfins mentionéjd alt»ays with Tome mark, of honour, 419. Hors God is upright wit lo" upright. 453 Walk,jng in all = 'laces as in Gods Prefenre. 449,450 Will, Chrif as God and Man bath two WAGS. 392 Wi fdom, why Chrift call'd the Wifdom.of God, 89. 4 great (lir in the World about Wifdom. 179 World, Epicureans fancy of the marking of it, 383. The Believer understands better, ibid. z Zeal what, 307. Examples of it for the truth. 308,309 Zeno's Wifè Ariadne would not fuffer him to be taken up when buried in a fit of the Falling- ftcknef . 167 Zuinglius his anfwer fugge(ted in a Dream. 94. 4 Scriptures explained in this Treatife. 1Sam. 15.25. 2 King. 17. 33 job 19. 25,26. Pfal. 11. 7. 34. , 5. 39. 5. 55.22. 62. 1. 63.1,5. 119, 160. Prov. 3. 2I. 6.9.1,2,3. Cant. 4. 9. Ifa, 57. 17, IS. EzeIZ 43.2. Dan. 4. 27. 1 1 2 . I 3 14. Mat. 15. 26, 27. 16o 1llark r 4. 7 2. 357 Luk:9.55 402 job. 3. 12. 421 6- 14. 23. 369 6..16. 14. 320 44675 5. 41. 107, io8 & 26. 7. 152 I Cor. 2. 14. 459, 2 Cor. 9. 6. i I2i Gal, 6. I. 24,25, Ephef: 1. 1,3. 1971 10. 453I, Col. 2. 5. 1951, I Thef' 1. 5. 116 Heb. 12. I. 277 1 fob.2.4. 195 I Job. 3. 6. 196 i job. 5. 5: 7, S. 223 61 22, 23. 359 120 '273 350 20, 2 I 454- 313 144 107 28.324. 44-5 270 25 16cß 363 Eooì;