38 plectotto iti4 was a fuitable entertainment. Humana on nia diva teflibus egent,Dei autem f rmo ipfe fibi teflis ef,faith Salvian, humane words want witnefs, but divine carry their own teftimony in. thein- felves. To believe the Scriptures becaufe God fpeaks in them, is a divine faith, but to believe them upon any other account is below their divine authority,and but 44 humane faith. For example,to believe the Scriptures for the faying of thewoman,for the Churches teftimony,is but an humane faith,for it fiands on no higher ful- ciment then an humaneteftimóny,and therefore can be but an humane faith.Here the fubtile Je.- Cite would help out the Papift at a dead lift: that faith (faith he) which is refolved into 'the Churches authority is neque puré divina, neque pure humana, fed quaff media inf erioris cujufdam ordinis , but what faith the learned Pemble to him,Juflfo men ufe to fpeak when they cannot tell what to fay , It is 9uafa, and Aliquomodo, and.Alicujus generis,it is fomewhat,ifthey could tell what ; thus he.'Tis undoubtedly clear,that that faith which calls any man Mafter on earth, and 'centers on an humane teftimony, filch as that of the Church ; made up' of men, mull needs be, can he no other then humane. In- deed the Churches teflimony may be, inter mo- tiva f clei, but (if the faith be divine) it can- not be hater Prmalesrationes fidel. A man in the dark labyrinth of nature may be led out by the Churches lamp, but when he is out,he fees the Sun by its own light, he believes the Scriptures for their own divinity, though pr min erium Ec-