Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Piectouo fan. debafed the truths of God, faith a great Divine. All the errors and heretics which have fwarmed abroad in all ages, have been the progeny of corrupt Reafon : upon this the devil begets all the black monftrous opinions which crawl within doors in the Church, or without in the Pagan world. And fhould fuch a thing as this come and fit in judgment on the pure words of God,which are furer then the voice of Angels, and band falter then the pillars of heaven and earth,which in fo many fuccellìons of Ages ne- ver contracted the leali fpeck of falihood,or flied a leaf in the fall of the leali tittle or iota there- of ? Surely, when reafon thus forgets it felf and its own fallibility,it degrades it felf and becomes unreafonable.Thus far of the irrationality of the Socinian faith. But, Secondly,The nullity of it is confiderable,it is a f nullity in its foundation, and at lati it proves a nullity in the confequence. It is a nullity in its foundation; the Socinian believes the Scrip- tures not as adivine tefiimony,but as congruous to reafon,and fo trufis not in God but in himfelf and his own heart.Thus Socinus expreffes him- felf, Non generalem comprobandi rationem qux- rimus,quod eam,quí dixit, ejufmodi efe appareat, ut nulls in re mentiri poffet, f ëd fingularem quan- dam, quiì id nominatim, quod comprobandum eft, per caufas & effe to propria itii fe habere demon - ftratur, adeb ut non med'o quia Denin ipfum dix- iffe appareat, id verumeffë conftet, fed etiam quia verum efe appareat, id Deum dixiffe nobs certó perfuadeamus. csomodo poterat clariks prodere E ; áris:áxv 53