Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

I cciauo the Prophets and Apof les, being purely imme- diate and extraordinary,makes authentical Seri - pture.The fecond revelation to believers, being but ordirary,doth not make Scripture, but only capacitate their minds to take in the manifefiati- ons of the fpirit therein.Thefe things premifed, I muff renew my queftion : Say, O Enthufiají what is thy revelation ?is it a pure immediate in- ternal locution ? is it extraordinary and carried by the fpirit above all humane frailty ?may it be added to the Canon and become Scripture ? I . fuppofe thou cans} not,dareft not fay fo ; but if thou doft,read and tremble at the foaling up of the Canon ,Rev.2 2.1 8.If any manfhall add unto thefe things, God .(hall add unto him the plagues written in thi' book, and if any man (hall take a- Fay from them,God(hall take awayhii part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city. There words arc as a flaming fword at the end of the 13ible,to keep thee from prefuming to put any thing thereunto : Say then modeftly, is not thy revelation ordinary ?did not the holy fpirit come to thee in the chariot of the Scripture ? and why then doeft thou. flight and 'undervalue it? why doefi} thou call it a dead letter,a flefhly ele- mentiíh thing, and the like ? God hath fpoken once, yea, to ice,(if I may fo allude) once in the Old Tellament,and again in theNew,exped not to hear his voice or fpirit any where elfe but there;if thou doett,thou putteft a cheat upo l thy felf,and inftead Of a revelation,embraceff a meer fancy. Again,the fpirit, is in thy heart,and the fpirit is 59