a y - nictotio 5atttj. facred oia,which (as they fay) came down from heaven. If thou wouldell be crowned with' hea- venly wifdom, be in the Scriptures, there and there only is the holy Undi ion which will teach thee all things.Neither dolt thou follow the fpi- rit as thou oughteft:the fpirit, if followed in his own way,will lead thee into all truth,but if thou wilt follow the fpirit in an extra-fcriptural waf, thou dQeft not follow it indeed, but thy own fancy, and whileft thou feemeft to foar above Scripture,thou art like to fall far below it, into the ditch of error and wickednefs. In no better place have thy predeceffors been, after all their high -flying imaginations. Montanus that early Enthufiaf called himfelf the Paraclete,and mag- nified the writings of his twoProphetefes above the facred Gofpel.The Meffaliani thought they could corporeally fee the facred Trinity, and dance upon devils,and receive the holy fpirit in a vifible way ? Oh Satanical illufion ! John of Leyden: vifions teemed out Poligamy and a bloody Rebellion. Into what wild affertions did Swenckfield and Henry Nicholas come by their Enthufiaftical fpirit,the firft faying,that the Go- fpel is the Effence of God;nay,faith in the heart is fo.The other blafphemoufly ailedging,7hat the believer is Godded with God,and the fpirit of love it God incarnate? How did Valdeffo run into Fa- milifm and Antinomianifin ? And what elfe did Saltmarfh,in his book called Sparkles of Glory making as if Chrift were but a myftical figura- tive man,and God in the flefh were only God in his Saints? Oh mylery 'of iniquity ! whither . will