Ipmfotio f aitb > ified. But becaufe the 2uaber dreams of per- feHion,I will go higher. Suppofe a man abfo- lutely perfe6i, every wheel in his foul in right motion,and his confcience a pure Chry &a with - out any flaw in it, yet muff the man be under God,and his confcience under the word; for his." very perfe9ion ftands in that fubjeaion, and is forfeited as faon as it departs from it.Confeience is a rule, but a fubordinate one,it binds and loo - fes,but in the power and authority of the words take away that, and confcience is no more con- fcience, the inward Ecclefiaffes is filenced, and hath nothing to fay. My confcience beareth wit - neß in the holy Ghorf,faith the .fl pofi le, Rom. 9.1. Obferve,it beareth ivitneßin the holy Groff; Spi- ritu Santlo duce ac moderatore,faith Beta on the place. Confcience is no fupream thing, the holy Spirit muff command and moderate in it, if not in an immediate way, as in Prophets and Apo- 4tles,yet in and by the facred. Scriptures as in or- dinaryChriflians.Tóconclude with that of anan- cient, Scriptures non loquentibus, quid loquetur ?the Scripture being filent, none can #eak.,no not con- fcience it felfin a regular way;wherefore our fu- pream rule muff befoughtno whcr elicbut there. Thus far I have treated touching what man- ner of belief of Scripture this muti be. But to, proceed on. Secondly,W hat are the confequents of this be- lief in order to that retìgnation,which is the lati thing in faith ? I anfwer, the holy fpirit having lodged fuch a belief of Scripture in the heart, Moth reflect and turn the Scriptural light in- I. 3 wards, 69