Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

li)le&íóuo 73 fiefs in it, fuch as .flakes him afhamed to lift up his foul to God,and withall,fuch bonds and fet- ters therein,as he cannot break by his own pow -. er, then he becomes a Magor-miffabib, terror round about, his heart more or lets bleeds in tears,& gavels in pangs of confcience,& breaks under a damning Law, and droops and fwoons away in fits of felt- confutìonand felf- defparati_ on,and at lati is ready to cry out " Oh fin ! Oh " wrath ! what (hall I do? whither go? can 'Iffy "from the Omniprefent, grapple with theAlmigh- " tj,or(land before the holy One? all's impoffible: "can I endure an hell,abide a never -dying worm, " or dwell with confuming fire ? 'tis intolerable. " May my, time be unravelled, my fins undone, " or my felt unborn,it cannot be.Oh ! finful for- " lorn creature that I am, wo wo unto me for ever.Such ftraits as the make way for refigna- tion; all tha Ions of God come out of Egypt,out of the flraits of fin,and pals through a rvilderneß of wants and extremities tòwards the Land of promife;the valley of Achor,trouble and perplex- ity for the accurfed thing, is a door of hope husks and hunger make the Prodigal come to himfelf and his father. Thirdly, Upon this humiliation and tirait of foul,there enfues a deliberation, a flanding (as the King of Babylon did, Ezek. 21. 21.) at the parting of the way,to make a true enquiry.Lo! faith the afi ?ed foul in a felf-parley,here is the way of life,and there ofdeath,this is the way e- verlafting, and that's the way of time ; 1f you -dive after the flefh, you muff dye,but if you mortifie the