To the Chrz flian Reader. and Eternal Life let before us;. to elevate our Souls , which are fparks of -Immortality, out of. the duff and rubbish of the Fall, And to fet them afpirin after the true Pleafures And Beatitudes which are above. That we may.not mi- flake our way, or faint in it, the holy. Spirit bath in the Gofpel drawn many lines of Holinefs and Comfort:There are pure Precepts to chalk our the Way to Heaven, and fweet Promifes to cordial us therein ; and to give us fome. Tapes of Heaven before we come there.. The great condition of this Sal vation which -ftreams down out of the fountain of Grace through the Blood of Chrift into the Evangelical Promifes, is no other than Faith. This is the Au- rora of Glory, Heaven and Eter -. nal Life dawn in it ; This, is the. Hypo-