platougi , aítb, it mua be through the Mediator JefusChrift,his blood mull wash out thy fins, his righteoufnefs mull answer the'L aw for thee.Content,faith the foul,I refìgn up my felf to the Mediator, I leave my felf upon his blood and righteoufnefs for pardon and acceptance with thee. Among An feints interrogatories to be propofed unto men lying in extremis at the point of death, one which the Minister offers to the lick man is,doeft thou believe that thou canft not be faved but by Chrifis death,unto which when the an- fwers, yea,Ifo believe,the Mìnifter is appointed to (peak to him thus,Age,dumfupereft in to anima, in Vic fold morte fidùciam tuam conftitue,in nulla ali i re ftduciam habe, huic morti to totum corn- mitte, hac fold to totum contege,totum immie, to- turn involve ; While(i there is any breath in thee, place all thy confidence in his death,and in nothing elfi, commit thy whole felf to it, cover and inter - mingle,and involve thy whole felf in it ; this con- ference I have fet down,becaufe it doth empha tically exprefs this aa of resignation. God lays further,my Chrift mutt not, cannot, be divided, if he fave thee as a Prieft, he muff teach thee as a Prophet, and rule over thee as a King, fòr I have made him all thefe.Corrtent,faith the foul, his blood is not, cannot be fpiritlefs ; I give up my self to his holy spirit to be taught and ruled: I delire to fay with Baldaffar the German Di- vine,Leniat,veniat verbum Domini, & fubmitte- mus illi fexcenta, fi nobis of ent,colla ; Let the, word of the Lord ChriJt come,let it come teachingarrd ruling,a)tdIde f re to fid2mit to it,even fix husidred necks,