Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

aeverytriv_iaU~and fni:aUEpi~le, aman db ex– .i.drare animam~··.itt.priht upori;the paper f9me pe.e~es;of niSJfoule, <hedoth k 'n:tuch 'more doubdeffe in his fludied excrcifcs, wherdri , ·:he cannot 'b~t'conceive ..his memory · may live, and fome 'part of himfelfe be 'kept a~ _live, a~d fweet to all 'poflcrity. · · ,Ifhecould fay, ncn emnis moriar, ~ecaufe . he was aPoet) and thinkhis Poem 1 ;U1 ~re'amonument that time it felfe would ' 'not be ab1e to divoure: how·much n1ore . 'mayhe fay it that drawes himfelfeunto lif.e in an immortall Dye, and writes·fuc·h ~haraCters as are not fubj<'ct eo· de·ca:y a~d perilh? For all flefh ~graj}e, 4~dall the glory of rna~ M the jlcwer oj graffi : the graffi 111t– ~heretb , and the flower faUetb away , but the "»1ord ef th~ Lord enduretb for t'l1er : and tliu is the ~ord, 'lllhich by tlJe Gofpell is preached unto you, 1 'Pet~ 1.24, 15· . · · I ~ Seeing ~herefore it hath pleafed ·~od 'to p,rtfdve thefe . pecces yet alive, and after long deferring and ' defiring, ~o produce an~ b~ing_ ,chem forth tc.~ publike ·vie.w ; we have thought good, J .in a ·prime and t • c . I