Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

86 Without HumiUAtiO!J no mercy. fione quickeas a man to feeke owtto God when it is righr. The fir:.£1: breeds afi~rc~ne!fe and rurbulency in amans fpiric; as we feeoften in menwhofe confci~ ences are ~wa.kene(to fee their fins, they are tier.- .cer then they were before i f.or guile .of f~Vtxeth their fpirits ; and where there isno feo~e ofmercy from Gocf, there-is none to men : but he that is broken for finme fpencls bis anger upon mimfelfe, frets chiefly for his owne·fr'ilenetfeandunwo·nhi.. neCf.e; and thePeaceof God which his heart harh a fe£1lce ofmakeshis Cpiric getJJ·le, d.ndpt-At't:Ailk.llnd. e~tfle.Jo be emre.ctedandperfwad.ed: bring. .Sorip~ ture, and 11 fhiJtlmAy lead .him and-p.effwadeh~m. The r~ugb fiiAJtS •e mJde f m1ot/J~ &be rough aAd frowarddifpofitionsoftlileheart, andeveryMo.IJ/I.– t4i»e·likt ~tjfellios cafi downe,;ts ic is faid they·were by,Saint lobiUminifiery,.whocame tohumblemen., and preparemen for Chrifr·. They differ inthcir c0ntinuance ;~ the former a. 4 ,· - : lone ptQves but a paffioD, and itcomesbutfrom flt{h, fo as all the fruits offttfo:are, , it is but M the.~ j/1wer 1{ the gr4ffo. ·: of the fame fadingAature the roote is from when.ce it comes : though it comes li~a. violent tQrrentinto theheart,and fwels above the hankes, it is.but as.a land•fiood ; but this _ lat.ter a conllant riv,er that bath afpri~, which though it kecpe$ within the :bankes, anddothnot overflow fo much as the other, yet it runnes con.- · ftantly, and,· the further it rw.1ne~, the gr-eater. it · gr~es. · l will give youalfo fome properties of that·h~miJiation -~·----------------------------~~~