Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

/ ', ' I VP'iebout Humiliation ' ntfmercy. . \ peeted nothingbut d~ath; rh is caufetha;man_toloye God much,and to.pr1ze CH R 1 s:t; snd thts -made r S. .eau! alfo to·love CH a .x s T fomuch, that rhe I ' I , love of C H ll 1 s 'I'· con!l:rained him, be.caufe I wo~~~ 1 .aper{ecuter And-a blajphemer, and he died for me, forg·ave ll)ee a great dear. . ·, . . . 1 , ~ee that is truely humbled wilLbee content with any condition, as theProdigall fonnc:, I am co11tent .t1 bee 111 an hired{trvant, fayes hee, and am unw~rthy ,. t.o.hee cAUed A{on any mfJre ; heewas content to doe . , the worke of afervant, . to live in the conditionof a · fervant , to have the lowdl: place in all the familie.- ,. And fo Saint Paul look'don himfc:Jfe as the leaft ef , aO·the. SAtntf_, thought tiee could never lay himfelfe :lqw ~nougb. · Now this contentedndfe is e~e-rcifcd ' about two t:h,ings • .· ·' ·. :·:· . , · , In a:eontentednetfe in the want ofthefeoutward· good things ; when a man is content with themea– nefi:, Cervices .ana th~ ltlafi w$, .to want wealth, ~d ct:edit and gift~, aslac.ob being ~r.uely humbled, I Am !tJ!e thAn the leap of thrj mereyes.: whereasan o-· ' ther man that isnotlmmbled, whenheelookes up· op himfdfe.<!nd Go D . s mercies hee enjoyes hee thinking highly.of himfelfe,thinks himfelfe to() big for them,and that the dirproportion is rather en bis ·fide; whereas lAcob though hee then had many mer– cies, yet faid,ra~e the leall mercies, and lay·it in one -!Cile; :tndmy felfe io an other, and I am too tight for ir,· lelfe than ir, and it too much for mee. It is exercifrd in bearing ·croifes. One that :is tru~y -humbled fiill-bkOtth God, as lob, ·and beares and acceprsthepuniilim~nt ofhis iniquity willingly and