Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

I TIP#bout· Humiliati;n ·no mercy. . and chearefully, as we fee it made a co1dition,.Lev.· z-6;41. If their uncircr~mciftd hetJrt bee humbltdJ .and' they be11re or accept the p:mifhment ef their iniquity; .if rhe Lord lay upon him a fharpe difeafe (fay the plague, difreputati6n, p~ ) yet hee beareth it willingly~nd che~refulLy; for whena man thinkes in earndt that · which is faid Eze,h. 36. that hee is worthy ts bee dejlrgyed~ whatfoever befalls him from : God which is lelfe thandefimetion,he hlelfeth God for~it, ' and rejoyceth that hee ef capeth fo. ' The· humble man therefore is in all conditions 1 .contented, alwayeschearefull ~nd bleffingGod; i~ heeluth good ~hings,they arenwre than he is wor~ · ·chyof; ifevill, though·never [Qfua.rpe,yet they are I' . lelfe thandell:rudion~ and then heedeferves, wh~n as an unbrokenheart isalways turbul~nt, and thinks· in the fectet murmuringsof his hearr; that hee i.~·not~. weH·dealt with. . · . - ;, ~ : i · - I lhoulq come nowsto the apphGatlOf}ofth1s 1Ca(t, Doctrine; but before I mull: refolv~a .cafe<atld fcru-· ..plc, which doth ufc totrouble.theheartsofineny. , . Tke Cafe in quefiion is,_whether to right ~hd 1 ' trueHumiliationJit beneceffarythat[uch afolerune! 1 Humiliation and fuch ameafureof.forrow and vio- . ' ! lent Legall contritiongoe · · ·. . · There is adoubleki~d · in the Anf~. · · -heat'tS of men; the·one1s avwlent ~umultuous forrO-w, whic.h ai:ifeth·from the apprehenfton ofhell ) and puniflnnent : the groundwhereofis{elfe-love,! . and is commonly in thofe who arefuddainely en-. Hghtned , and fo amazed therewith being taken on , V the fuddaine ; as wee.fee in Saint·F~ul whowis ta- ~ •- · . . ~n -~----~------------~~--------~~--~~- -- ... . ... ,... __, _____ -,. --·-----·