Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Without HHmiliation nomercy. that ·luft, but caoft fin and beare it out wellenoogh, let thy forrow have beene never.fogteat, and now they arepall af1d gone, and were not right; let men thc~efore examine themfelves by •the effects , for men are deceivedon bo.thftdes: ·andthen, ' ·. t Vfe is for exhortation to fiirre up to-the du– ..tie: This exhortation.! direct to two forts .of men .; firll: to tkofe who arealready truly humbled, .and fecohdly to·ftrangers to it. · Fir·fi ·you that arealready h1s1mbled and.haveob•. ,tained theaffurance ofche forgiveneffeof your fins, you mull: bee humbled more,for if the Lord fufpend .his promifeat this,thenthe dutie is to ·bedonedaily: · .When God re.quires a diuieof Santtification (and ·his promifes are made onely to fuch ·). ther~ can .bee none cxcufe·, there may bee a let in prepara– tive humiliation ·; a man may bee foaUgwed'.{-two . mtuhforrow : but not in this which is adutie of fan– :d:ification : and know this, that all degrees ofgrace arife from the degrees of this true Humiliation: which I make good to you thus ; Faith and_Love 'are the great radicall graces, all elfe are but bran~ . ches fpringiogoutof the.m. Nowtheyare.ftrcng. them:-d by this humiliation , and graces the more theygrow there is anaddition frill made to them; :as there is anaddition made to our humiliation. . Firft for Faith , know that themore firongly a ma·n layc:s holdon CaR 1sT andprizethhim, : the more heegoes on to apprehend his finne, and is· . emptied of himfelfe, ; and though a man tool(e CH :a IaT truly at his firfi cooverfion, yet there are ' degrees .of prizing kim ; when a husband takes a H 3 wife 1'01 1 1 '