Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. Witbolt HNmilic~tt01HtO~rq;, ~- · . .. l .-to~ I · and more to beehumbledl .efp~darty a~you-fall in' 1! : to new finnes, which the L o R n oft lets histodoe\ 1 , that they might ,beehumbled more: and th~ mor.e ; ·light a Chr~ftiangets to difcover his owne vilene~e !l .' and the vamty of rhe creature, the llronger hce w1ll ~ : grow in grace, .and the more cftablithed in well ( : doing.- . · ' I Now fe~ondly f~li thofe who are llrarsgersto.l 1 this grace of Humiliatiol.'l ; that they may come to.: be humbled,let them.obferve thefe two rules. Firft , · labour·fee rbegreau~effe of .finne. Secondly to : . fee your owne weaknes and •una~ility to helpe yourI . fdy~s ;forth~ fir~, doe not weigh Cinby comm.on ;j ; optmon, but m.anght ballance ~ doe not doe With ~ Y9!lt foules as fome doe with their bodies; when ~ .their beautie is decayed·,.they defire to hide it from ·.them(elvesby falfe gbffes,and from othersby pain,_ 1 : ting ; fodoewee for themofi part with qur finnes . , wee ddire tohide them from our fel-ves byputting' , ! falfe glolfes upon them, and from others ay fain ed , . excufes : but deale. impartially with your fdv f!S··_ · herein, and labour to fee uone in its full vile.ndfe: 11 Andthat you may doefo, · ·· . Firfl: pitch uponfome one great fin)imd ta-ke it in- 1· x: to conliderarion. So Chrifi., whenhewouldhumble~ PAut hetellshim of his perfecution , Why perftcMttfl 1 thlu mec: Andfo S. Peter, when he wouldhumble - .the Iewes Ails z. I. he tels them oftheir crucifying ; of Chri£1: : So Chrill: when·bee would humblethe I Woman, Iehn 4· he remembers her ofher adultery: · And the method that G o n takes whenbeewould · humble us, it is good for us to rake : For as when a · H4 man I I I : I .