Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

120 1Tbe Lord is mercifu/1 t~'bt..buJJ~blt;, ,, turne to thy ftrines, art refolved t:o pleafe God int all things to thy power. For what are affeCi:ions, · . but divers poficions and fcituations ofthe will and ··. •. the feete it walkes upon ~· - they are but the divers motions and inclinations whereby the will !h·Jot-s ic felfe into the objed:s of ir. Now looke which way thy will is refolved,.and [et : that way are thy atfe· etions fet alfo ~ ' if thou fee(l: one to rife up footle ana goe tobed late, to avoyde poverty, and toget . riches, a wife man will affure himfelfe thlt his ayme is fuch 1, and his heart fet upon riches ; his aet:ions !hew th:tt his affetlions doe move ftrongly that way, though he fayes, he feeles no fuch fl:irradge.. Therefore though thou findell: this fl:ilGeffe of affeCtions, yet if thou ·doeft the fame- things that they ufe to doe, who mourne and weepe more; thou maye!\ alfure 'thy felfe thy afteetions are mov.ed. . I adde this, .that _it,is no wound, 'ifthy affed:ions be. not fo fenlibly flirred, and yet thy humiliation bee found ; for it is the nature of the affections to lhaote into their owna objects A:illy' and torunne ' along as .water and winde doth j ifthey-meete·with ., no obftacle to runne quietly, if it ·meetes with crees, then the winde rifeth, and if the tide"'meete with the winde, theo the-waves rife; fo -if ou-raffeCl:ions -be:croffed, •we are. fure to heare of them then : if thou had!l: not fome hopefull 'afl'Llrance of 'thy efi:ate, thou woulde!l: heare ·of mourning ;tnd rrooping; then it may b:! the worke of grace·in ; chee hath alwayes gone e~enly ·On, the fireamehath runne calmely and qmecly; but yetfuch doe ' : _ • ·. . · finde : .