Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The Lord is merci{l4D to the bumble. 131 ry belongs not to the pen, but to the writer. What· though God bath ufed th{'e in fome great worke, ' andnot others ~ the praife is his , -not thine : Wee prai[t! not the trumpet, but him that foundes it. Non laudamm tubam, ftd tub.rcimm. Paul was a bet. 1 ter Trumpet thantttn thoufand others, and yet hee faith , I am nothin.g. The fmoake a du~ky and ob· [cure vapGur dimes up into the light, as if it were - better than pura aire. Many exalt themfelves a. ·hove their brethren, for gifts and outw~rd things, which arebut the trappings, and make not the diffe– rence betweene man and man; as if a man were the taller, becaufe bee £lands on a hill, or a man had a · better bogy, becaufeheehadab~trer fuit pn: fQOP art the fame man lHU. Wee are notto bee proud, · no not of any Gr~ces , mu~h Ieife of oqtward things. Lafily , is -tbct Lo~.d tl}usm~{dfun t~th~ hum~ blc '? then take heed ofapplying thofe promifcs to thy felfe ·without a caufe, when thou art n~QUPJ· bled. · - · But thou wilt fay, I amhumbled. · o~jel1. I It is well ifit be fo: Butconfider,bathtfuyhumitl.fJ[w. liationbrougbtth.eehome·~ perhaps ithath bmught thee out of Egypt, but hath it brorght thee into Canaaa I? bath it driv<?n thee to the City of re· fuge? to the homes of the Altar f to-thy fathers. houfe '? The Prodigall changedFi1any places , ere ·hee came home iri earnefr. M:tnycame out of E· I gypr, t~at never came into Canaan, but di~d ia the 'Wi1dernetfe. TheMe·teor-s havemattct enough,in the v~pors themfelves ·to carry them above the I I K 3 _-___ e_anh, --------------~------~------~--~ ~