Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638 Gods face. by.revealing himfelfe to one, andnot unto another ; that which is fa idefpeci~llyof the Iewes :t Cor. 3. 15,16. verfes,and fo,on, i:s in like manner applicable to us all. The Lords/A&"t t'hines, as UUofls face did, verfe 1) • anq hee gives,the kn1wfedge Df hiJ glory in the face 1{ Jefm chrift in the minil.tery of the word every day j but there is a vaile Jies upon all mens hearts, upon all but thofe whom the Lord calli,aad ·upon theirs alfo, till hee calleth them , as upon t h~ - Iewes hearts, verfe 16•. Neverthtlejfe when they]hall tttrne 1111/IJ the Lord, the·vailefha/1 bee taken away.· and untill then, Gods f a~e cannot bee feene, as M o[es face .was nor ;, ..and who iliall take away that vaUe ~· The r SjJ/rit if th'e Lord 5 whtre the Spirit ~fthe Lordil;tbtre u lihert1, verf.l17• andwhenhedothfreeusofrhat vaile, thenWe heho/Jthe Glory ofthe Lord114 in • glaff'e withopm{Me, v.18. t'hat is, we fee the amiableneffe ofhis face, the happindfeofcommunionwith him; and when the light breakes through the cloudes thus, and the Lord gives aglimpfeofhiinfelfe,rhen they.fee him,, and never giveover[eeking hiJface, moreand more, ~ill they have found him: And be– ealife that otherfort I fpakeof,ifthey fee him, they yet fee but an angry face onely , .and that makes ·men flie from the Lord ; as wee fee indifirdfe, and at death many will doany thing rather theri goe to God; they tremble at his prefence, and noway de– lire it, as r....Adamdidnot; bl1t :fled from it -: aoo thus would all doe, if,nowordwere,revcal€d. There– fore the Spirit ofrevelation, takes away thevaile,-and breakes thedoudes,that hisowneElect may have a glimpfeG-fhisjAce, and theSpirit ojAdoption, who is , . . - ~M ~Cer•..z.. 6. ' ~ ·,