Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offreking Go~s· face. · .;-·TheLord himfdf~ in Scriprure, cfeth thefe mo ~ ' tives,ofludgements on the one fide,andofrewards on the other., .and therefore we.e may make ufe of . ·them ro~ourownc hearts.; for to that end hath God :propounded them. Therefore- I will fct dow·ne two conclulions to 1 cleare this; myou, what ufe thaemay b~e m1deof rewards and threatnings. I Concl.ufion, the propounding of, 2nd the re- ·, fpeC1: t.mto rewards·and puni!bments, is agood b.:- · ··ginning to draw us on., to {etketke Lords foce:. they are et good imroduet:ion·. Amao t lut harhnot as -yet {ime Gods face, the feareofhell may cauFe him to reffe.C1: onhisowne h~art and wayes , and tobe~ feofibleof the evill ofthem:. and fo thehappindfe ofheavenmaydrawhim on : but all this while he is but in beginning. ASpoufc that is confidering with her felfe, whether fhee fhould marry fuch an, husbandor no, beginneth to confiderat- firfr, what theeGull beewithout him,andwbat thee ihaH have with him ; lhee confiders him perhaps as one rhat will pay all her debts,and make her honottrable&&~ and yet it maybe, lhe confiders pot the man all 'this while, and thefe confidcrationsarcgood preparatives to draw;her on, togive.entertatnement .to him, but after converfe and acquaintancewith tl)e · perfon,lhe likGs the perfon himfelfe fo well,that lhe is content to have him., though lhe lhould haveno~ thing with:him j and fo fhee gives her full and free confent to hi in, and thematch comes to be made up betweenethem,eut oftrueand fincere free loveand liking : So it ishere, men.hegin at firft to confider their 1~9 l I