Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~------------------------------------------· Offetking, Gods (ac~. . utmoft toglorifie God. You fee incommon expe- .rience that take a corne that is fallen into the ground: t{it C611ft11Mt whole, it perijheth; but if'it ai~, il IJri11gs firthan hum/red fold. 1 Cor. 15. 36. That whichthou (owejJ, fayes the Apoftle, is nst q'ickr~td,: : except it dye. The Apoftle there fpeakes it of, the ~.refurre&ion : but we may truly apply·it to the re- : f~rrettion of afinner here ; thlt except a-man die, ;tl:ut is , bee willing to let all hee hath goe; and to 1 expofe himfelfe to what the Lord lha~l plitupon ! .him; that hee perith!th indeed; but if hee die, then ~y-aim•, he~ i~quickned' , h'J liull befag&iae,byit; even in . ; this.l1fehdlull have an hund'red fold. And ,when ~ this is confidered of throughlyby a trian, hee wiU / ! ealily ·feeke Gods face with neglect: of himfelfe• . A'ld that thus when ever amanfuffers ,any_thing for a_good cQnfcience in obedience to God,ir is thebell: .way toprovide for him[elfe; that this I fay, is aot "a mere notion-, may appeareby comparing rhofe ,places together; the firlt where it is faid, ThMjbalt l1ve thy neig_hbour 114 thy folfe, and th9ujbAlt l1ve God • Aliovl All 1 even above thy felfe; andwith it alfo that ; other,>l4• ·Th8u.PJalt ktepe tht&ommande- ·. mmts ofthe L1ra, which I commandthee, for thJg4Qa, _ Now put both together : this is Gods comnunde- : ' ment, to love God above thy fclfe ; and all the - commandements are given for thy w6alth ,:fonhy . · good , thereforerhrsamongtl: the refr. And there. · fore deaying our felves, when God and our felves come into competition, is the bell way toprovide . fur our felves: therefore fet it ciownef~ra con,duli- · on, that to have G0d al()ne, and to feeke his face · _ · thus--. ; "