Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

0/fteking Gods face. comes in comp~tition with the Lord, he lets the . Lorg g~e. · ~ · : . · f2.!!..ep. But then another quell::on comes to be anfwer. ~d, how thefe·two !hould like\'vife fiand roger her ; to feeke the prefervation of amans felfe~ and yet to expofe lilimfdfr to defiruction, as UUofes and Saint . Paul did. . tJn[w.. For anfwer, you mull: know, that in every rege– nerateman thereare two[elves. That common nature, that is in every man (in which th{" principle is rooted, ro lovea mans fdfe) . hath two h~afes;"the<ane Sp.=rit which leadesro God, ... . the other flefb : .and thtfe two inthis common ria– ture nuk~s two feverall {ttves. ·.· By the firfl:,am~n is carded to {eeke the LQrd, by the other to feeke himfelfe i~mediatdy and in·the firll: place ; and thefe two are reckoned two feverall[tlves in Scrip- . , tu re., ?nd fo ex_pre!f~d to us :firfr, fl e!handcoFrup– rioniscalledamanfelfe, 2. Cor·4·5· we pre4 ,bnot our {elves, hut clirif!, that is, for our owneglory, which he calls himfeife, ·becaufe men ufe to reckon itasthemfllves. So ·:a c~r. 11. z_, 5· · t knewt~.m4n : · i~t~ Chrtfl, .&c. &Aught up i»to th-e thirdhe11.vens ;;of:· {et&htino»lI willglory, 6ttt -ofmyfeife :I~illnot glory- j : . by (elfe,- :he meanes either the corruption which . was in him, but there was fomething elfe in him, which he reckons as another man from diis felfe, Am4ni" cbrijt, of fuch a man Iwill rejoyce, that · is, ofmy regenerarepart, which is aNew Creature inChrijl, but not of tny felfe, that is, .my flelhand ·. c~rrupdons I will not rejoyce, or of the regenerate . felfe neither, ,as of it felfe, p·ut ~sit:is'in Chrifi, , which :