Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

· 17-4 Offieking, Gods face. -· _;,._____ ...:L::!.'---~~-~------ him firfl: ; fo cloth Godgive Chrifi}and whenwe have him, God makes himail thefe, Wi{tdome to yo~t as a Propher, Righttct~ofnef!eto you as a Priefi, and he fhall {ltn!1ijie you anci pnrge you from dead workes, and he !hall be your King, and deliver you out of the hands of all your enemies,he /haUhe madt Jtmtl.ftcAtion and redemption t-o yDu. Obfcrve the phrafes in Scripture, and they leade you ftill to his perfon, and doe urge upon you to make the cove- · nant withhispe~fon. As when it is {aid,. in him are aO the_freafures 8{ wifedome, &c. if treafure be hid I in a Casker, you mufi firfl have the Casket, then the treafure ; fo if inafield, you mufi fidl buy the ·field, there is aMine will hold you digging all your life long; but you mufl: firfi purchafe the field, and then fall a digging for the treafure in it : and thefe areall forrs ofcreafures in him, .Adoption, Iu!fijca– tion; &c. fo Iohn 6. he exhorrs them to t~ote his flejb 1 a11d to drinkehis hloud, and that !houl:d nourifh them to life eternall : but before men can have fpirits or · .fir tngth by meate, they mull: have that mtate it . felfe, and theremufibeaconjunctionwith it, and affimilation of it to the~, and of them to it, fo I lfJhn 5· 12. heethAth4thth·e(onnt; hAtblife. We mull: have firll: the Sonne, and then wee come to have life by him ; you ~ull: have thefe two diltinet conditions (Ifuppofe a ma.ncomming immediae ely out .of the ell:ate of unregeneration) he is firll: to · confider who Chrill: and Gocl .is, confider theper~ foos of them, and fo chufe them asa.father and an husband, to Jive and dye with. And then fetondly , ·he is to confider what he fhaU have with him~ yea to