Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638 Gods {ace. :fee king, till we had found him, as fllee. did not, be caufe thee had had afight ofhim : · As Mofoscoold .not have this knowledge ofGod,t-H it fhould plcafe ·God to revcale himfdfe tohim; fo hee would not - give over, hee would not fiirre a foote, till hee-did reveale himfelfe to him, Exod. 33. I 3• If t hA1Jt found (avo11r ~~- th1 fight, /hewmee tbygllry,th4t I m~ty ·lmfiw thee. And fo fhould we pray as earne£Hy as he: 1 and whenhee bath madehimfelfe{o knowne to us, · that will-draw. us, and that is the drawing meant 1 Cant.I·3· Drawme, tmiweewiUrttnnettfte,-thee) that ! is, thew thy. felfe, and wee will follow thee, even as £l:raw followes the jett, or iron the load-fiooe ; and ; if the Lord will bur put th~ Adamant to the iron, we cannot choofe but follow and.fc:eke him. And . 179 .God cloth thus by leavingan impreffionofhimfelfe upon the heart,oftheamiablenetfeandexcellencies , th~ are in him; as whes two men.are linckt-to. gether, fo asnoconfideration caa part them, it i'S - by an impreffionon their heartsoffome excellency ·in eachother, till which bee removed, they }Vil1 not leave otf to love andcl~ve to ea<:hother : And fo when this impreffion of Gods excellency is qnce fiampt upon theheart, thennothing cantake it eff; no a~cident what ever isable to fever God and the : - heart, haviag once feene him : but till this bee wro~ht, the fepa-ration is eafie, menwill<lepart · . from.Gpduponan.yoceafton : wbe~ we are tMigbt •f Godhimfelfe, we [QktJiw.hi•,as it is'ler·3 I. that ·weefeeke ltimearndHy, and not till then. - · . ·.Befides, after'hods fpeaking and'revealinghim· (elfc, ther~ , is ,fomething ·eo be@done likewifeot1 N z --·----·-· your ___ . ' ' '